Temperature test 温度测试
The temperature test should be performed using a sensor that has accuracy as defined in ISO 7726, for example:
温度测试应使用具有ISO 7726中定义的精确度的传感器进行,例如:
• expansion thermometers;膨胀温度计
• liquid expansion thermometer;液体膨胀温度计
• solid expansion thermometer;固体膨胀温度计
• electrical thermometers;电温度计
variable resistance thermometer, including:可变电阻温度计,包括:
platinum resistor;铂电阻
thermometer based on the generation of an electromotive force (thermocouple);基于电动势产生的温度计(热电偶)
thermos manometers (variation in the pressure of a liquid as a function of temperature).热压力计(液体压力随温度的变化)
The minimum measurement resolution requirement for the apparatus is 20 % of the allowable temperature range for the difference between the set point temperature and the permissible range of variation allowed from that set point.
NOTE:The requirement of range, accuracy, etc, depends on the purpose of the cleanroom or clean zone. ISO 7726 is for a general purpose.
注意:范围、准确度等的要求,取决于洁净室或洁净区的用途。ISO 7726是通用的。
Humidity test C.7湿度测试
Humidity tests should be performed using a sensor that has accuracy appropriate to the measurement as stated in ISO 7726.
湿度测试应使用符合ISO 7726所述测量精度的传感器进行。
Typical sensors are: 典型的传感器有 :
• dewpoint hygrometers (e.g. psychrometer);露点湿度计(例如干湿表)
• electrical conductivity variation hygrometer;电导率变化湿度计
• lithium chloride hygrometer;氯化锂湿度计
• capacitance hygrometer. 电容湿度计
The minimum measurement resolution for the apparatus should be 20 % of the allowable relative humidity range for the difference between the set point humidity and the permissible range of variation allowed from that set point.
NOTE:The requirement of range, accuracy, etc, depends on the purpose of the cleanroom or clean zone. ISO 7726 is for a general purpose.
注意:范围、准确度等的要求,取决于洁净室或洁净区的用途。ISO 7726是通用的。
a) 测定之前,空调净化系统应已连续运行至少8h。
b) 应在温湿度读数稳定后记录。测完室内温湿度后,还应同时测出室外温湿度。
a) 室内空气温度和相对湿度测定之前,空调系统应已连续运行至少12h。
b) 根据温度和相对湿度波动范围,应选择相应的具有足够精度的仪表进行测定。根据由低到高的精度,测定宜连续进行(8~48)h,每次测定间隔不应大于30min。
• ISO 14644-3:2019
• GB 50591-2010
• 2010年中国GMP指南